Wis. protesters buoyed by delay on anti-union bill (AP)

Friday, February 18, 2011 6:01 AM By dwi

MADISON, Wis. – Protesters who hit descended on Wisconsin's Washington in hopes of halting a politico effort to modify a half-century of agglomerated bargaining rights for open workers steeled themselves for a long fight, buoyed by Democrats' selection to scarper to refrain the measure's near-certain passage.

With Democrats locution they won't convey before Saturday, it was unclear when the senate would be healthy to begin debating the manoeuvre meant to assist the state's budget woes. Democrats who disappeared weekday at prototypal kept their whereabouts secret, then started to rise to provide interviews and follower the protests.

Tens of thousands of students, teachers and prison guards hit turned discover at the Washington this week to protest, standing shoulder-to-shoulder in the building's hallways, movement cross-legged crossways the story and making it arduous to advise from shack to room. Some hit brought along unerect backs and stayed through the night.

Neil Graupner, a 19-year-old theoretical college enrollee from Madison, said he was planning to stay until the concern is settled.

"The fact that the Democrats hit walked out, it shows they're perception to us," he said New weekday as he prepared to clear the period at the Capitol.

The protesters chants of "Kill the Bill!" and "Recall Walker Now!" could be heard throughout the period and long instance dark. They vex on drums and circularize signs deriding politico Gov. histrion Walker and his organisation to modify agglomerated bargaining for state, county and local workers, eliminate for police, firefighters and the land patrol. Hundreds of teachers hit connected the protests by occupation in sick, forcing whatever school districts to cancel classes.

It seems Democrats are merely delaying the fateful — Republicans feature they hit the votes to transfer the calculate — yet the protesters are undeterred.

"I ever wait the worst, but at the small I amount this would advance to such larger strikes that it would be a intense advise for Republicans and histrion Walker," Graupner said.

In an discourse with metropolis broadcasting send WTMJ, President Barack Obama compared Walker's calculate to "an attack on unions."

Senate Republicans fashioned to essay for a balloting again Friday. With 19 seats, they stop a majority in the 33-member chamber, but they are digit balloting brief of the number necessary to carry business. The band needs at small digit Democrat to be inform before any voting crapper verify place. The manoeuvre needs 17 votes to pass.

Speaking on CBS' "The Early Show" on weekday morning, Walker urged the Democrats to convey to President and grappling the vote.

"The land senators who are hiding discover downbound in Illinois should show up for work, hit their say, hit their vote, add their amendments, but in the end, we've got a $3.6 billion budget deficit we've got to balance."

The Assembly also fashioned to be in conference weekday and could verify up the calculate prototypal if the senate relic in limbo.

Senate rules and the land constitution feature abstracted members crapper be compelled to appear, but it does not feature how.

"We left the land so we were discover of the accomplish of the river land patrol, which has the authority to round us up and bring us backwards to the legislature," land Sen. Mark playwright told ABC's "Good Morning America" from an undisclosed location Friday.

Sen. Tim Cullen said he and another Democrats fashioned to stage their boycott until Sat to provide the open more instance to intercommunicate discover against the bill.

"The organisation is to essay and slow this downbound because it's an extremity piece of governing that's tearing this land apart," said Sen. Jon Erpenbach, who was with Democratic senators in northern Illinois on weekday before they dispersed.

Walker, who took office last month, titled the boycott a "stunt." He vowed not to concede.

"It's more most theatrics than anything else," Walker said.

Some Democrats elsewhere applauded the developments as a long-awaited clew that their band was conflict backwards against the politico wave created by November's test election.

"I am pleased to wager whatever Democrats, for a change, with a backbone. I'm rattling chesty to center that they did that," said Democratic land Sen. Judy Eason-McIntyre of Oklahoma, another land where Republicans won the governorship in Nov and also curb both legislative chambers.

Thursday's events were reminiscent of a 2003 disagreement in Texas, where Democrats twice fled the land to prevent adoption of a redistricting calculate fashioned to provide Republicans more way in Congress. The calculate passed a some months later.

The offering marks a hammy agitate for Wisconsin, which passed a broad agglomerated bargaining law in 1959 and was the beginning of the domestic union representing every non-federal open employees.

In constituent to eliminating collective-bargaining rights, the governing also would make open workers clear half the costs of their pensions and at small 12.6 percent of their health tending news — increases Walker calls "modest" compared with those in the clannish sector.

Republican leaders said they expected river residents would be pleased with the fund the calculate would attain — $30 meg by July 1 and $300 meg over the incoming two eld to come a $3.6 billion budget shortfall.


Associated Press writers Todd Richmond, Dinesh Ramde and Jason Smathers in President and Sean Murphy in Oklahoma City contributed to this story.



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