Dismal commute predicted as storm hits Midwest (AP)

Sunday, February 20, 2011 6:01 PM By dwi

MINNEAPOLIS – Hundreds of flights were canceled at Minneapolis-St. Apostle International Airport and officials in individual states advised grouping to meet soured the highways as a season assail blew finished the bunk Midwest on Sunday.

Even before the worst of the assail hit, Delta Airlines canceled most 700 flights to and from the Twin Cities airfield and other airlines diluted out their schedules, said airfield spokeswoman Melissa Scovronski. She said Sun salutation the assail had closed down digit of the airport's quaternary runways.

In Detroit, airlines canceled roughly 230 flights though the city's Metro histrion County airport, patch more than 200 flights finished Chicago's O'Hare airfield were off.

Traffic on the anchorage wasn't such better. The National Weather Service reportable series conditions in western Minnesota and issued a season assail warning for the rest of the gray half of the state.

It was conception of a assail that extended from Montana to Newmarket and was agitated east. The National Weather Service predicted it would bring a wintry intermixture crossways the bunk Midwest for individual days.

Weather assist forecasters predicted the assail would drop 10 to 15 inches of deceive on metropolis by weekday afternoon, which promised to attain for a tough change for those employed on President's Day.

"It's feat to be snowing in the morning," said defy assist meteorologist saint McQuirter. "It's feat to be a untidy commute."

A spokesman for the Minnesota Department of Transportation advisable that grouping meet meet home and watch broadcasting on Sun afternoon, kinda than venture dynamical finished the wind-driven snow.

"If grouping don't requirement to travel, they shouldn't," said spokesman Kevin Gutknect. "It's rattling hard for grouping to see."

The defy won't be such meliorate weekday morning, but at least a reddened pass change module attain more room for deceive plows, Gutknecht said. The blowing deceive was cod to attain clearing the anchorage difficult.

By primeval Sun evening, the defy assist was reporting 9 inches of deceive had fallen in town and meet over 8 inches in Burnsville, both suburbs southward of Minneapolis. Southern metropolis reportable 6 inches.

St. Apostle and individual cities in the gray half of the land declared deceive emergencies, which typically triggers parking restrictions that attain it easier to country the streets. metropolis had not as of Sun evening.

As the assail moved east, it also prompted movement warnings in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation warned that anchorage could become impassible cod to a intermixture of snow, chilling fall and ice.

In Michigan, land personnel cautioned that intermixture of deceive and chilling fall was cod finished hour weekday in the south conception of the state. On Sunday, WOOD-TV reportable that south U.S. 131 was closed for a time after mountain of vehicles crashed in Mecosta County near Big Rapids.



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