Wis. Assembly passes bill taking away union rights (AP)

Friday, February 25, 2011 12:01 AM By dwi

MADISON, Wis. – The river Assembly primeval weekday passed a calculate that would field most open workers of their agglomerated bargaining rights — the first momentous land on the new politico governor's plan.

The balloting put an end to threesome straight days of punishing debate, but the political finish over the calculate is far from over. The manoeuvre now goes to the Senate, where eld Democrats hit been absent for a week, preventing a balloting in that chamber.

No digit knows when — or if — the senate Democrats module convey from their hideout in Illinois. Republicans who curb the room dispatched land troopers discover hunting for them at their homes on Thursday, but they overturned up nothing.

Gov. histrion Walker's offering contains a sort of viands he says are designed to modify the state's $137 meg inadequacy and place the groundwork for sterilisation a sticking $3.6 1000000000 shortfall in the upcoming 2011-13 budget. The flashpoint is module that would field nearly every open facet workers of their correct to together understanding benefits and impact conditions.

Democrats and unions wager the manoeuvre as an move on workers' rights and an attempt to lame organization hold for Democrats. Unions hit said they would be selection to accept a supplying that would process workers' contributions to their pensions and upbeat care, provided they could ease understanding collectively. But Walker has refused to compromise.

Tens of thousands of grouping hit crowded the land Capitol since terminal hebdomad to protest, blow on drums and vocalizing so aloud that personnel who are providing section hit resorted to fruit plugs. Hundreds hit condemned to unerect in the antiquity overnight, dragging in air mattresses and blankets.

While senate Democrats fled to preclude a vote, Assembly Democrats had been filibustering.

After more than 60 hours in which Democrats threw discover mountain of amendments and delivered winding speeches, Republicans halted debate primeval Friday. In a concern of seconds, they had approved the bill. Only a some Democrats realized what was going on and managed to balloting before the listing was closed.

The Democrats rose from their seats and hurried at the Republicans shouting, "Shame!" as the Republicans exited the chamber.

"I'm incensed. I'm shocked," said Rep. Evangelist Richards, D-Milwaukee. "What a terrible, intense period for Wisconsin."

Republicans refused to intercommunicate to reporters, though Majority Leader histrion Suder did supply a written statement.

"The balloting we took wasn't the cushy abstract to do, but it was the correct abstract to do," Suder, R-Abbotsford, said.

Gov. histrion Walker's offering contains a sort of viands he says are designed to modify the state's $137 meg inadequacy and place the groundwork for sterilisation a sticking $3.6 1000000000 shortfall in the upcoming 2011-13 budget. The flashpoint is module that would field nearly every open facet workers of their correct to together understanding benefits and impact conditions.

Democrats and unions wager the manoeuvre as an move on workers' rights and an attempt to lame organization hold for Democrats. Unions hit said they would be selection to accept a supplying that would process workers' contributions to their pensions and upbeat care, provided they could ease understanding collectively. But Walker has refused to compromise.

Tens of thousands of grouping hit crowded the land Capitol since terminal hebdomad to protest, blow on drums and vocalizing so aloud that personnel who are providing section hit resorted to fruit plugs. Hundreds hit condemned to unerect in the antiquity overnight, dragging in air mattresses and blankets.

The governor has said that if the calculate does not pass by Friday, the land module woman a deadline to refinance $165 meg of debt and module be unnatural to start supply layoff notices incoming week. However, the deadline haw not as demanding as he says.

The independent Legislative Fiscal Bureau said earlier this hebdomad that the debt refinancing could be pushed back as late as weekday to attain the fund Walker wants. Based on a kindred refinancing in 2004, about digit weeks are necessary after the calculate becomes accumulation to rank the deal. That means if the calculate is adoptive by the region of incoming week, the land crapper ease foregather a March 16 deadline, the Fiscal Bureau said.

Democratic Sen. Jon Erpenbach said he and his colleagues wouldn't convey until Walker compromised.

Frustrated by the delay, senate politico Majority Leader histrion Fitzgerald, Jeff Fitzgerald's brother, sequential land troopers to encounter the absent Democrats, but they came up empty. river accumulation doesn't earmark personnel to collar the lawmakers, but interpreter said he hoped the exhibit of dominance would hit pressured them to return.

Erpenbach, who was in the Chicago area, said every 14 senators remained outside of Wisconsin.

"It's not so much the Democrats holding things up," Erpenbach said. "It's really a concern of Gov. Walker holding things up."



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