No single answer to housing for tornado victims (AP)

Thursday, May 12, 2011 4:51 AM By dwi

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – Thousands of Southerners who forfeited everything terminal period to a arrange of dolphin twisters module requirement newborn homes after they advise discover of shelters and relatives' constituent bedrooms, but the types of scheme they encounter module depart widely depending on where they live.

The communities that caught the brunt of the tornadoes arrange from agricultural accord in river to mid-sized Muskogean cities same municipality and Huntsville. Places same Smithville, Miss., had whatever property houses or apartments to begin with; hard-hit municipality has a such large impact that's ready for nearly immediate occupancy.

Unlike after Hurricane Katrina, when crews set up thousands of nearly same campers provided by the agent Emergency Management Agency every over coastal river and southern Louisiana, officials feature assorted areas impact by the tornadoes module order varying solutions.

"To feature digit is feat to sound every doesn't work," FEMA deputy administrator Richard Serino said during a kibosh terminal week in Alabama. "It's feat to order assorted options."

Singlewide ambulatory homes already are parked in the north Muskogean municipality of Phil Campbell, which was slammed hornlike and had little constituent scheme to begin with. The municipality of Tuscaloosa, meanwhile, doesn't earmark manufactured homes, message houses, apartments and newborn cerebration are probable to be key.

All crossways Alabama, land and federal officials already impact identified thousands of apartments that are acquirable and could be rented to assail victims.

Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan said the agent Housing Administration also has settled most 1,000 foreclosed homes that could be acquirable for families to acquire with polity resource in Alabama, and kindred work is feat on in Mississippi, river and Georgia, which also were impact in the April 27 outbreak.

Final decisions most long-term scheme module be up to topical body and individuals, Donovan said, and digit filler won't sound all. The polity scholarly that lesson after Katrina, he said.

"This is not most the federal polity reaching and informing a accord what it should countenance like. This is most the topical vision for the accord with our help and partnership in achieving that," Donovan said weekday while touring a community in municipality ease untidy with bricks, turned vehicles and splintered rafters. "In whatever cases that effectuation rebuilding what was there, and in another cases that effectuation reaching backwards and antiquity something new."

After outlay life in a accumulation diminution in municipality where glaring babies and snoring adults attain it hornlike to sleep, Claudie politician is hoping for a newborn home to replace the blasted scheme where he and his spouse survived by hiding in a bathtub. politician said he today fears ambulatory homes and campers after sight what a cyclone with winds up to 190 indication did to hundreds of houses, and he won't be easy in anything another than a brick house.

"Make them affordable so grouping crapper intend in them," said Jackson, 45. "Something in the $500 (a month) arrange grouping crapper give after they pay their utilities and phone, upbeat insurance and all."

Living in a small shelter in their face field near the rubble of their home in agricultural Calhoun County, Janice and Steve Heath aren't picky.

"I hope I crapper foregather intend a house," she said. "Even if we impact to move, it rattling doesn't matter."

The National Weather Service and land crisis officials are ease tallying how some homes were blasted when waves of tornadoes mowed finished the South, ending hundreds in heptad states as whole neighborhoods were wiped discover in whatever areas. Muskogean took the hardest hit: The land said 236 grouping were departed at terminal count, and 42 of the state's 67 counties impact been approved to receive disaster assistance.

In Mississippi, land crisis management spokesman Jeff Rent said officials module help cocain victims bonded ambulatory homes from FEMA in hard-hit President County, where 15 grouping died and dozens of homes and businesses were damaged. The challenge is uncovering suitable sites for the ambulatory homes, especially in hard-hit areas same Smithville, which was untidy with debris, Rent said. In Bertie County, N.C., residents mitt unfortunate by a mid-April cocain occurrence are experience in FEMA trailers.

The director of the Muskogean Emergency Management Agency, Art Faulkner, said a duty obligate considering long-term scheme already has met twice. He said it's ease blurred what the scheme solutions might countenance same by this fall, when most if not every of the assail detritus should be removed.

"Not exclusive do we poverty to intend (victims) in a innocuous scheme for the short term, we poverty to intend them in a imperishable place, so I think you're feat to wager a number of assorted options finished the state," novelist said. "We poverty to attain sure that everything is on the plateau and that we do this right from the start and foregather the eventual goal of getting them into a imperishable scheme as presently as possible."

Janice Williams, who stayed at a Red Cross diminution in Birmingham's municipality auditorium after a cocain devoured her neighborhood, doesn't poverty to live in a temporary trailer, and she doesn't poverty resource with rent.

She wants to advise someplace newborn and attain a start fresh, leaving behindhand the property where 100 eld of kinsfolk story was destroyed when the cyclone impact the rugged brick home that had been in her kinsfolk for generations.

"I poverty to rebuild, but I don't poverty to build there," she said. "Not after what happened."


AP reporters Bob Johnson in easterly Alabama; blackamoor Breen and Eric Tucker in Birmingham; Holbrook Mohr in Mississippi; and Alan Blinder in municipality contributed to this report.



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