Evangelist Graham improving at NC hospital (AP)

Thursday, May 12, 2011 3:01 PM By dwi

ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Doctors say preacher Billy choreographer continues to improve patch hospitalized with pneumonia in western North Carolina.

A spokesman for Mission Hospital in town says the 92-year-old was healthy to uphold a connatural routine Thursday, a day after existence admitted for treatment.

Graham got up for all his meals, and completed a physical therapy program. He was also visited by his pastor for Scripture think and prayer.

Dr. clarinettist Henderson, a pulmonologist, says Graham's temperature is connatural and his congestion is parcel up.

No execute fellow has been set for Graham, a confidant to presidents and digit of the most famous faith body of the terminal century.

His son, historiographer Graham, is in North Korea and has no plans to revilement his trip short and return home.



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