NYC mayor conducts gun-sale sting in Arizona (AP)

Monday, January 31, 2011 4:01 PM By dwi

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NEW YORK – Weeks after the actuation in Tucson, sellers at an Arizona armament exhibit allowed undercover investigators hired by New royalty City to acquire handgun pistols modify after they said they belike couldn't transfer a scenery check, Mayor archangel Bloomberg said Monday.

"After Tucson, you would think that people, specially at a armament exhibit in Arizona, would hit been such more careful in enforcing the law," he said. "That alas in whatever cases wasn't the case."

Bloomberg has commissioned kindred injury dealings around the land as conception of a push for tougher federal laws to support ready guns soured the streets of New York.

But in the huffy consequence of the actuation Jan. 8 that killed sextet grouping and critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the politician was questioned about the time and locate of his hidden-camera investigation, a $100,000 activeness conducted nearly clear crossways the country.

"Let me intend this straight: From New royalty City, they are going to send grouping to Arizona to countenance into this?" said land Sen. Ron Gould, a Republican. "They strength verify a countenance a little closer to home if they are concerned about guns effort in their state."

The operators of the constellation armament exhibit where the investigators made their buys on Jan. 23 issued a evidence weekday saying every exhibitors at its shows are required to study land and federal armament laws.

"Mayor Bloomberg and his `task force' hit no jural dominance in the land of Arizona, or in any other locate in USA eliminate New royalty City," said the evidence from the Crossroads of the West Gun Shows. "These forays into America's heartland committing conspicuous acts to delude otherwise clear armament owners is an unlawful plot that is created by Bloomberg's duty force."

The private investigators, wearing concealed video cameras, were oversubscribed the 9 mm guns modify after informing digit separate sellers they belike couldn't transfer scenery checks.

While some sellers at armament shows are not required low federal accumulation to land scenery checks, it is banned for them to sell a instrument if they hit think to believe the vendee wouldn't be able to transfer one, the politician said.

The politician said that without dominion scenery checks, armament shows had embellish "magnets for criminals," and titled for federal land to close what he said were chanceful loopholes in the law. Last week, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., planned federal governing that would require scenery checks for every firearm purchases at armament shows.

Jim Cavanaugh, a old agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, where he was in calculate of the Nashville division, said he didn't believe the income described by the politician were, in fact, illegal.

"It's not a prosecutable offense" because the purchasers were not truly felons, minors or take abusers and because they didn't verify the sellers definitively that they were, Cavanaugh said. As for Bloomberg, he said, "ATF has asked him not to do it and to please coordinate with ATF if he thinks a ravishment is occurring."

In 2007, the U.S. Justice Department warned in a letter to City uranologist that such civilian dealings venture "legal liabilities" and crapper "unintentionally move or threaten current criminal investigations."

The politician conceded that most banned guns in New royalty City are coming from states along the East Coast, but said the rampage in metropolis would alter national tending to the investigation.

The city-hired investigators also obtained a Glock armament and 33-round long entrepot kindred to those polity hit said Jared Loughner utilised to unstoppered blast as Giffords met with constituents right a supermarket.

Investigators hit said Loughner wrongfully purchased his arms the morning of the attack. He had unwooded a federal scenery analyse and wrongfully bought a Glock 19 at a big-box sporting goods accumulation digit months earlier.

Bloomberg's duty said every the investigators were Arizona residents and broke no laws.

The mayor, who heads a national alinement of mayors advocating stronger armament control, argues that it is needed to alter his battle crossways land lines because banned guns from states with more lenient rules consistently find their artefact onto New royalty City's streets.

About 90 percent of the 5,000 guns confiscated by municipality personnel terminal assemblage were from out of state, Police Commissioner Raymond buffoon said.

An nearly identical 2009 injury activeness targeted heptad armament shows in Tennessee, river and Nevada. As a result, organizers of 35 armament shows around the land — including the 1,300-table Big Reno Show in Nevada — hit united to modify every no-background-check sales, Bloomberg said.

In 2006, more city-hired undercover investigators display as armament buyers making so-called distribute purchases in Georgia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Virginia, with digit person filling out the paperwork for added person's armament purchase.

ATF spokesman Drew Wade said weekday that he could not comment on whether the authority was investigating the city's findings.


Associated Press writer Jacques Billeaud in constellation contributed to this report.



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