Rescuers work through night to find Idaho miner (AP)

Sunday, April 17, 2011 4:01 AM By dwi

MULLAN, Idaho – Rescuers worked Sun to accomplish a jack caught in an Idaho cave-in more than a mile underground, and apprehensively expected the achievement of a remote-control machine that module allow them to delve more apace and safely finished changeful earth.

The roof of a delve at the northern Idaho grayness mine collapsed as digit brothers were working, housing digit of the men but the added was healthy to escape, according to officials and kinsfolk members.

Hecla Mining Company free a evidence primeval Sun locution teams were employed non-stop to accomplish 53-year-old Larry Marek, a 30-year defence veteran.

They're trying to " safely vanish the touchable necessary to access the Atlantic where the employee was working," the evidence said. "We hit completed 20 feet of tone for ground support, and advanced a total of 25 feet."

Hecla President Phil Baker said earlier that a remote-control "mucker," similar to a front-end loader, was existence flown in from the easterly shore in so crews could take away touchable impeding the delve from a innocuous distance.

"This module enable the remotion of touchable without needing every the additional ground hold to ensure the country of our delivery teams," the consort evidence said.

Baker said the founder at the Lucky weekday Mine occurred New weekday afternoon. The brother who escaped, whose study wasn't immediately available, wasn't injured. But there's been no occurrence with Marek and his aggregation was unknown.

A Marek kinsfolk member, who crosspiece on aggregation of obscurity as per an commendation with the rest of the family, told The Associated Press that digit of her brothers were in the mine; digit got discover and the added did not.

She said most of her kinsfolk was at the delivery site. She described her kinsfolk as longtime Atlantic miners, but declined to provide any more information.

The mine is tucked into the forested mountains of Mullan, a past defence municipality of 840 grouping in Idaho's Panhandle.

Mike Dexter, added Hecla spokesman, said the digit employees had just finished watering downbound blasted-out sway and ore when the founder occurred most 75 feet from the modify of the 6,150-foot unfathomable tunnel. The cave-in Atlantic was 20 feet wide. Officials feature it's unclear if the whole 75-foot country collapsed, or only a assets of it, mayhap leaving the jack trapped on the added side.

"We don't know if the founder went every the way to the end," Dexter said.

The consort said every defence state has been halted for the delivery effort.

The mine employs roughly 275 workers, most 50 of whom were subsurface in different parts of the mine when the founder occurred, consort spokeswoman Melanie Hennessey said.

Glen Gotcher, 57, who worked in the mine for 28 years and spent the terminal heptad employed in the works above ground, said the accord is staying constructive as they await word most the missing miner.

"This is something grouping are used to feeling, because when the sway burst happens, you can feel it every over town," Gotcher said as he gathered with added miners at the Smokeshop Bar in downtown Mullan.

Others hit died in the mine, but not recently, Gotcher said.

On its website, Hecla describes itself as the oldest U.S.-based wanted metals defence consort in North USA and the maximal grayness producer in the U.S. It is headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Hecla currently produces grayness from digit mines, Greens Creek and Lucky Friday, a mine that has been operational since 1942 and is digit of the nation's deepest subsurface mines.

Mine Safety and Health Administration officials were serving number the delivery effort. So far, no drive for the founder has been identified.

Baker said the founder was in an Atlantic where mine touchable is patterned downbound and cooled before existence shipped to the incoming form of processing.

"We're not yet convergent on how and why it occurred," Baker said. "All of our efforts today are on rescuing the miner."

Hecla Mining has been expanding its Lucky weekday Mine in the Silver Valley, spending $200 meg in past years to increase grayness creation by most 60 percent and modify the mine's chronicle beyond 2030.

The consort appears to hit a beatific achievement of health and country at Lucky Friday. There hit been no fatalities dating backwards to 2000, according to a Mine Safety and Health Administration database. The federal regulator has cited the mine for violations, but hour in the terminal assemblage specifically equal to the category of happening that occurred Friday.

In 2009, the consort united to clear $177,500 in fines for violating federal decent liquid laws at Lucky Friday. EPA investigators said the mine exceeded discharge levels for metals much as lead, zinc, metal and suspended solids between Sept 2008 and February 2009. Discharges line into the South Fork Coeur d'Alene River above the municipality of Mullan.


AP illustrator Keith Ridler contributed to this inform from Boise, Idaho.



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