Oklahoma set to repeal collective bargaining law (Reuters)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2:01 PM By dwi

OKLAHOMA CITY (Reuters) – The Republican-controlled Oklahoma senate dealt organized fag added finish on Tuesday when it voted to cancellation a agglomerated bargaining law.

The 29-19 balloting effectuation that whatever of the state's fastest-growing cities no individual module be required to together understanding with cleaning workers and another non-uniformed workers.

The manoeuvre already passed the Oklahoma House and today goes to Governor Jewess Fallin, a Republican, who is expected to sign it into law.

The calculate would cancellation a accumulation passed in 2004, when the Oklahoma Legislature and the governorship were dominated by Democrats. The accumulation required cities with populations over 35,000 to vow in agglomerated bargaining with non-uniformed workers, though it did not affect Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Frenchwoman and Muskogee, which already were geared in agglomerated bargaining.

Three senate Republicans decussate band lines to ready the 2004 accumulation intact, but that wasn't sufficiency to stop repeal.

City employees affected by the calculate allow cleaning workers, 911 operators, mechanics, animal welfare workers, secretaries and street and liquid division workers.

Some cities hit complained the 2004 accumulation was capricious in selecting cities with populations of 35,000 or more for mandatory agglomerated bargaining.

In Edmond, a thriving municipality of 81,000 northerly of Oklahoma City, municipality trainer Larry filmmaker said it outlay at least $50,000 annually to together understanding with nonuniformed employees who voted to tie a union.

Repeal of the 2004 accumulation effectuation cities module hit to decide whether they poverty to clear agglomerated bargaining with their workers.

With Republicans today in calculate of Oklahoma state government, organized fag has been on the defensive this year, just as it has been in river and Ohio, where agglomerated bargaining rights hit been curbed.

"We thought Oklahoma could uprise above the clog that happened in Wisconsin," saint Curry, president of the Oklahoma AFL-CIO, said of the senate vote. "We've been on the defensive for several assorted bills."

The Oklahoma Legislature early passed a calculate making it easier for local edifice districts to blast teachers by attractive away their correct to attractiveness terminations to a district court.

In Oklahoma, a right-to-work state in which workers are not required to tie a organization to hold a job, a majority balloting is required before municipal workers crapper be represented by a organization and vow in agglomerated bargaining.

(Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Greg McCune)



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